Friday, 14 February 2014

AcuteSoft Career Development Programmes

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Career Development Programme ::

AcuteSoft Solutions Pvt Ltd  EDUCATIONAL Trainings online INSTITUTIONS,Software Application Development , HR Consulting  From the humble beginning as a WebDynpro online Teacher in 1980 - My vision was a clear - High quality education for Trainee/students.
SAP all Modules like ABAP webDynpro   professional Courses online,  inspires the aspirants, so the creative minds destinate towards  online Training

Our Placement and Training Cell offering Career Development Program for the students
who are raring to enter the corporate world and introduce them to the prospective employers
according to their aspirations and background. The Training programs have been formulated after a
through analysis of unique requirement of various companies as the required skills will vary according
to the company’s requirement. AcuteSoft  impart this training program with the help of reputed trainers,
AcuteSoft enable our students to gain a competitive edge in the recruitment process, groom their confidence
and develop their personality. The training modules will be formulated to improve our students’ skills like:

AcuteSoft Solutions SAP Modules online Training List

Please visit at for further modules::


SAP Modules List


Finanacial Modules: Financial Accounting (FI), Controlling (CO), Investment Management (IM), Treasury (TR), Enterprise Control (EC).

Logistics Modules: Material management (MM), Sales & distribution (SD), Production, Planning & Control (PP), Product Data Management (PDM), Quality Management (QM), Plant maintenance (PM), Service management(SM), Project systems (PS)

Human resource management Module: 

Personnel Management, Organizational Management, Payroll Accounting, Time Management, Personnel Development, Training & Event Management

Cross Application Module: Workflow (WF), SAP Office.

SAP Technical components
SAP Basis

SAP BC - BASIS Components ::
1. Identify the no of users and type of users
2. Design the technical system landscape of servers
3. Do the sizing based on users, documents created.
4. Convert your sizing requirement in to Hardware requirements
5. Consider the backup procedure also
6. Then start with the set-up of development landscape
7. Define client strategy, transport strategy, User management.
8. Fix the support package levels.
9. Tune the system for performance
10. set up the QA systems
11. Define client copy strategy
12. Set-up the PROD systems
13. Apply for Pre Go live report
14. Monitor system of db load
15. Apply post go live report

ABAP - Advanced Business Application Programming

NetWeaver "Business Process Management" apps
SAP KMC - Knowledge Management & Collaboration
SAP DMS - Document Management Service
SAP CMS - Content Management Service
SAP XI - Exchange Infrastructure
SAP PI - Process Integration
SAP EP - Enterprise Portal
SAP BW- Business Warehouse
SAP BIW - Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing

IS (Information Systems) Management 
SAP CCMS - Computing Center Mgmt System
SAP MDM - Master Data Management
SAP BC-CCM-ADK - Archiving Development Kit
SAP CCM-API - Application Program Interfaces
SAP CCM-BTC - Background Processing
SAP CCM-CNF - Configuration
SAP CCM-HAV - High Availability
SAP CCM-MON - Monitoring
SAP CCM-PRN - Print and Output Management
SAP MDM100 - Master Data Management
SAP MDM300 - MDM Print Publishing
SAP MDM400 - MDM Data Modeling

SAP Business Suite Definition:
SAP Business Suite is a collection of various SAP enterprise software that ensure optimized execution of business strategies. It consists of the following SAP Systems:
 1.SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM)
 2.SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (SAP ERP)
 3.SAP Product Lifecycle Management (SAP PLM)
 4.SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM)
 5.SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SAP SRM).

SAP  CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
SAP CRM supports all customer related processes and activities like sales and services. It enables the collaboration between the in-house employees, field employees, partners and customers. SAP CRM supports various types of interaction channels like internet, Mobile Phones etc to communicate with customers directly.

SAP  ERP (Enterprise Resource and Planning)
The application lets your people work more quickly and cost-effectively – connecting them directly to business processes and delivering the information and capabilities they need to make decisions and take action. It also enables you to innovate and adapt to the changing requirements of your industry – at lower cost and with greater speed.

SAP ERP- SEM (Strategic Enterprise Management Software) ::SAP Strategic Enterprise Management (SAP SEM) delivers end-to-end ERP software capabilities to support the entire performance management life cycle, including Consolidated Financial Reporting, Planning, budgeting & forecasting, Corporate performance management and scorecards & Risk Management

SUB Modules:

SEM-BCS - Business Consolidation
SEM-BIC - Business Information Collection
BW-BPS - Business Planning and Simulation
SEM-CPM - Corporate Performance Monitor
SEM-SRM - Stakeholder Relationship Management

SAP PLM (Product Life Cycle Management) :
·                     Product Lifecycle Management is a collection of solutions that can be used to digitally create and maintain product information to be made available to the entire organization at any point of time.
·                     It provides all needed information about the complete product and asset life cycle through the extended supply chain, thereby ensuring legal compliance.
SUB Modules
SAP PLM_RM - Recipe Management
SAP PLM_AM - Audit Management
SAP PLM400 - Quality Management
SAP PLM410 - Quality Notifications
SAP PLM405 - Quality Inspections
SAP PLM425 - QM in Sales and Distribution

SAP SCM (SAP Supply Chain Management)

SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM) enables collaboration, planning, execution, and coordination of the entire supply network, empowering you to adapt your supply chain processes to an ever-changing competitive environment.
SAP – APO - SAP Advance Planning and Optimization
SAP – OCH - SAP Inventory Collaboration Hub
SAP – EM - SAP Event Management

SAP SRM (Supply Relationship Management)::
 Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) enables the full range of supply and procurement activities from the strategy stage to execution

SAP Functional Modules

SAP FI - Financial Accounting:: 
Designed for automated management and external reporting of General Ledger (GL), Accounts Receivable (AR), Accounts Payable (AP), and Asset Management (AM) with a user-defined chart of accounts.
External reporting, such as income statement and balance sheetRepresents cost and revenue flows throughout the organization
Aids in organizational decision making
Supports internal reporting such as cost centre reports

SUB Modules
SAP FI-GL - General Ledger
SAP FI-AP - Accounts Payable
SAP FI-AR - Account Receivable
SAP FI-SL- Special Purpose Ledger
SAP FI-BL – Bank Accounting
SAP AA - Asset Accounting: AA provides tools to acquire, depreciate, evaluate, and retire assets. The kinds of assets covered are fixed, low value, leased, and real estate.
Low value assets depreciate in the year they are bought and are often aggregated as a single asset master record.
Depreciation often needs to be tracked (for more than one reason), so SAP R/3allows you to depreciate the same piece of equipment in several parallel ways.

SAP CO – Controlling ::  SAP CO Module helps management by providing reports on cost centers, profit centers, contribution margins, profitability, etc. They also deal with cost accounting processing, analytical reporting, and audit-controlling spectrums.
SUB Modules
SAP CO-CEA - Cost Element Accounting
SAP CO-CCA - Cost Center Accounting
SAP CO- Internal Orders
SAP CO- Activity-Based Costing
SAP CO-PC- Product Cost Controlling
SAP CO-PA- Profitability Analysis
SAP CO-PCA- Profit Center Accounting
SAP CO-OM- Overhead Cost controlling
SAP CO-ML- Material Ledger

SAP TR – Treasury
SUB Modules
SAP TR-CB - Cash Budget Management
SAP TR-MRM - Market Risk Management
SAP TR-CM - Cash Management
SAP TR-LO - Loans Management
SAP TR-TM - Treasury Management
SAP TR-FM - Funds Management

SAP IM - capital Investment Management ::
It used for planning, budgeting and monitoring of a comprehensive budget .An investment program represents the planned or budgeted costs for the capital investments of an enterprise. Using investment programs, you can obtain an overview of planning and budgeting processes in complex enterprise structures for all investments and large projects of the group, while at the same time maintaining strict budgetary control.

SAP Human resource management Module
Human Resources - HR
 SAP HCM(Human Capital Management) Or SAP HR - Human Resource:: Takes care of payroll, time recording, applicant administration, and organization data. It supports the planning and control of personnel activities. It consists of all master data, system configuration, and transactions to complete the Hire to Retire (or, as some say, Fire) process.

SUB Modules
Organizational Management (OM)
Personnel Administration (PA)
SAP PA - Personnel Administration 
SAP PA-APP - Applicant Management
SAP PA-BEN - Benefits
SAP PA-EMP - Employee Management
SAP PA-INW - Incentive wages
SAP PA-PAY - Payroll
SAP PA-TIM - Time Management
SAP PA-TRV - Travel Expenses
 Personnel planning and Development(PD)
SAP PD-OM - Organizational Management
SAP PD-RPL - Room Reservations Planning
SAP PD-WFP - Workforce Planning
SAP PD-SCM - Seminar and Convention Management
SAP PD-PD - Personnel development
Time Management (TM)
Travel Management (TM )
Compensation Management
Personal cost Planning
Budget Management
Training and Event Management

Logistic and Manufacturing - Mainly SD/MM

SAP SD - Sales & Distribution:: This module includes the business processes used to sell and deliver products and services to customers and business partners. Information about the product and customers (both of which are stored in the master data) is used in SD.
SUB Modules
SAP SD-MD - Master Data
SAP SD-CAS - Sales Support
SAP SD-SLS - Sales
SAP SD-SHP - Shipping
SAP SD-TR - Transportation
SAP SD-BIL - Billing
SAP SD-SIS - Sales Information System
SAP SD-EDI - Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
SAP SD-GF General Sales Functions
SAP LE - Logistic Execution

SAP MM - Material Management::

The grouping of management functions supporting the complete cycle of material flow, from the purchase and internal control of production materials to the planning and control of work in process to the warehousing, shipping, and distribution of the finished product.
SUB Modules
SAP MM-PUR - Purchasing
SAP MM-IM - Inventory Management
SAP MM-WM - Warehouse Management
SAP MM-IV - Invoice Verification
SAP MM-IS - Information System
SAP MM-CBP - Consumption Based Planning
SAP MM-EDI - Electronic Data Interchange
SAP MRP - Materials Requirement Planning
SAP ML - Material Ledger

SAP PP - Production Planning ::

This module supports functions for the overall level of manufacturing output and other activities to best satisfy the current planned levels of sales (sales plan or forecasts), while meeting general business objectives of profitability, competitive customer lead times as expressed in the overall business plan. One of its primary purposes is to establish production rates that will achieve management’s objective of satisfying customer demand, by maintaining, raising or lowering inventories or backlogs, while usually attempting to keep the workforce relatively stable.
Sub Modules
SAP PP-SOP - Sales and Operations Planning
SAP PP-CRP - Capacity Requirement Planning
SAP PP-MP - Master planning
SAP PP-ATO - Assembly orders
SAP PP-BD - Basic Data
SAP PP-IS - Information System
SAP PP-KAB - Kanban/Just-in-Time
SAP PP-MRP - Material Requirements Planning
SAP PP-PDC - Plant Data Collection
SAP PP-PI - Production Planning for Process Industries
SAP PP-REM - Repetitive Manufacturing
SAP PP-SFC - Production orders
SAP DS - Detailed Scheduling

SAP PM - Plant Maintenance::

Supports the planning, processing, and completion of plant maintenance tasks. Allows for planners to schedule routine maintenance in a way that is least disruptive for manufacturing and sales requirement.
SUB Modules
SAP PM-EQM - Equipment and Technical Objects
SAP PM-IS - PM Information System
SAP PM-PRM - Preventive Maintenance
SAP PM-PRO - Maintenance Projects
SAP PM-SM - Service Management
SAP PM-WOC - Maintenance Orders Management

SAP QM - Quality Management::

 Supports the quality inspection aspects of the business, including purchasing, research, and sales. Allows for buyers and manufacturing personnel to track inspection lots and test results

SUB Modules
SAP QM-QP - Quality Planning
SAP QM-IM - Quality Inspection processing
SAP QM-QC-AQC - Quality control
SAP QM-IT - Test equipment management
SAP QM-QN - Quality notifications
SAP QM-CA - Quality certificates
SAP QM-CR - General functions
SAP QM-PT-RP - Control in logistics

SAP PS - Project System ::

Helps you to plan, manage, control, and figure the cost of R&D projects, and soon. The common tasks revolve around allocation of people, resources, and money within the framework of schedule and task relationships.
SUB Modules
SAP PS-CAF - Payments
SAP PS-CON - Confirmation
SAP PS-COS - Costs
SAP PS-CRP - Resources
SAP PS-DAT - Dates
SAP PS-DOC - Documents
SAP PS-IS - Information System
SAP PS-MAT - Material
SAP PS-PRG - Progress
SAP PS-REV - Revenues and Earnings
SAP PS-SIM - Simulation
SAP PS-ST - Structures
SAP PS-VER - Versions

SAP LO - General Logistics ::
SUB Modules
SAP LO-AB-TC - Trading Contract
SAP LO-BM - Batches
SAP LO-ECH - Engineering Change Management 
SAP LO-EHS - Environment Management
SAP LO-EWB - Engineering Workbench
SAP LO-HU - Handling Unit Management
SAP LO-LIS - Logistics Information System
SAP LO-MAP - Merchandise & Assortment Planning
SAP LO-MD - Logistics Basic Data
SAP LO-MDS - Merchandise Distribution
SAP LO-PDM - Product Data Management
SAP LO-PR - Forecast
SAP LO-RIS - Retail Information System
SAP LO-SCI - Supply Chain Planning Interface
SAP LO-SRS - Retail Store
SAP LO-VC - Variant Configuration
SAP LO170 - Quality Management
SAP LO705 - Quality Inspections
SAP LO710 - Quality Notifications
SAP LO725 - Quality Certificates
SAP LE - Logistic Execution

Cross Application Module

Cross Application (X-Apps)

SAP MII for Manufacturing Integration & Intelligence
SAP APO - Advanced Planner and Optimizer
SAP Live Cache

SAP WF – Workflow::

Links the integrated SAP R/3 application modules with cross-application technologies, tools, and services, including e-mail.
Workflow allows you to set up the followings:
Maintain your company’s organization structure according to responsibility.
Link the predefined standard tasks with the authorized agents in your company.
Activate existing event receiver links between triggering events and consuming workflow tasks.
Name a technical person responsible for each standard workflow template.

SAP GRC -Governance, Risk, and Compliance

SAP SDN - SAP Developer Network
SAP Virsa
SAP GTS - Global Trade Services
SAP EM - SAP Emissions Management
SAP CPM - Corporate Performance Management
SAP SEM - Strategic Enterprise Management
SAP BPS Business Planning and Simulation
SAP SM Strategy Management - Service Management (SM) module is fully capable to support customer demands more effectively. It has got an excellent reporting functionality, which helps the management by providing the reports, which would help them, identify areas of improvement.

SAP PS- Project systems ::

Project System provides tools to track project milestone, costs and resources. SAP's Project System module contains tight integration to the Controlling, Human Resources, and Logistics modules. It utilizes personnel records from HR, rolls costs into Controlling and links to materials or customers in the Logistics modules.

SAP IS - Industry Solutions ::

IS is  scaleable and flexible, and can be tailored to the specific needs of each business. Examples are: SAP Aerospace and Defence, SAP Automotive, SAP Banking, SAP Chemicals, SAP Consumer Products, SAP Engineering and Construction, SAP Telecommunication, SAP Utilities, SAP Service Provider.

SAP for Oil and Gas overview::
SAP has developed an industry solution for the oil and gas industry (IS-OIL), featuring tools and automated processes designed especially for this sector. SAP IS-OIL is the leading integrated solution for the entire value-added chain of the oil and gas industry-from the wellhead to the gas station. With SAP IS-OIL, you can provide your employees with uniform process and tools that make their day-to-day activities easier. Your other sites and applications are easily integrated into IS-OIL. The solution also gives you access to Web-enabled e-business applications and information.